Covenant Kids
Our Children’s Ministry is uniquely designed for children who are toddlers through 5th grade. We believe children are a blessing from God and we are passionate about creating an environment that is safe, age-appropriate and fun where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way allowing children to grow in their relationship with Christ.

Children's Ministry - Birth through 5th Grade

We encourage children to participate in our worship services, but we do also provide a nursery for young children. Our nursery is staffed by volunteers from our church and is designed to be a safe and loving environment where children can begin to know and love Jesus Christ as their Savior.
We have nursery available for Infants, 1 yr olds, and 2 year olds.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact Annie Twibell, the Children’s Ministry Coordinator at First Presbyterian Church. You may e-mail her at [email protected] or call the church office at 912-330-9415.
Our Nursery Policy Guide is HERE
Sunday Classes
Each Sunday we provide classes for children to help them grow in their knowledge of the Bible and their faith in Jesus Christ. We currently have six classes: Toddlers, Pre K-K, 1st-2nd Grade, 3rd-4th Grade, and 5th grade.
On Sunday Mornings, the classes meet during our Sunday School time from 9:30-10-:15 am.
All of our classes use curriculum that teach children the Bible in a clear and memorable way, always pointing to Jesus Christ and his work on the cross as the central focus of God’s Word. We regularly use curriculum from Great Commission Publications and Truth78 (formerly Children Desiring God).

Vacation Bible School

One of the main outreach events of the year is our Vacation Bible School.
This year’s theme is the Olympics.
“Olympion inspires young Athletes to run by faith as they trace the Israelites’ odyssey to the Promised Land and witness Joshua’s heroic, faith-filled example of wholehearted allegiance to the Lord.”